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Azure and Cloud Computing

  Azure and Cloud Computing 

hello guys this is Rob already reading and today we will be talking about one of them the fastest and second largest drawing cloud platform on the market Right now I'm talking about Microsoft Azure now before we start let's talk about what we will be covering in this video first we will talk about why you should be interested in cloud computing what exactly is a computer cloud Microsoft Azure has some of its services also the use of zero now let's start with it why you should be interested in the cloud using a computer now let's say you have an idea through a vision change program that takes both boxes when they come in good applications one is very good user experience and both it is very beneficial now to be to succeed you will have to release it people on the Internet need to use it I need to spread the word and it will be there he is really famous but for that you will need dedicated server maintenance developers network and application security on make sure your app works the way it works makes now these are many things and that’s where the problem lies there are two major problems with this approach the very first setup it is expensive and dangerous which means this requires a large amount of capital earlier to ensure it works properly Too bad your request it's not popular or not roll back as you expected you probably won't find it money back which means it provides I a large amount of risk and then flipside in case of thunder the number of users has increased means you will have to buy more servers and storage systems to maintain compliance at your request and this problem may be solved. With the help of cloud computing now that you know why you should be he has a desire to use the cloud we fear for details of what exactly. it is cloud computing now cloud computing is basically the platform it gives you access to a computer number resources and this is possible with online help now as a user all all you have to do is go to the cloud service provide with your laptop or with computer via the Internet connect to that cloud service provider then wherever you go you can reach computer resources now using a computer resources can include you know visually impaired equipment storage and much more now let's dig a file for a little deeper now basically these clouds service providers actually have a lot data centers now in these data centers you have hundreds of servers including final plans as well especially several critical organizations parts so these are very secure areas where a large amount of data is stored which is why name data centers now in these data centers there users actually connect to collect their file data or use it therefore users can access any service according to their need now like me let me tell you there are many services the user can use the example now if you they want notice every time someone sends your message or maybe once receive an email you need a copy of created now by all that exists services and most importantly probably every cloud service provider has this option where users only pay for the service they use is therefore non-existent charge them in advance when they tell you that you need to pay an X amount of money for it that you can use our services to pay only the amount of time that using these services now cloud computer use for various types of The first reasons are machine learning and data analysis is now basically there services that analyze your data as well let me tell you how to work with this data they are better when there is data retention as well media streaming content for example you knew that those shows watching on Netflix is   actually.

Everything it is in the cloud so it exists connected to the Internet and browse via Netflix and you get access to these videos are possible with the help of cloud service providers there is creation and exploration applications automating software partial delivery to DevOps and hosting blogs and applications as well know for sure what a great cloud is service provider almost therefore az cloud platform provided by Microsoft is now online a site you can also access manage resources and resources now resources and services are nothing out of the ordinary you know you can keep your details with you can convert data using services Microsoft offers you everything The need is internet and you can do it connect to the azure site and find out access to all resources and services in case you want to know more in how it differs how both of these clouds are service providers are different from each other now here are some things to say you need to know about us here was launched on February 1st 2010 i.e. later on when AWS was presented is free to start and has pay for each usage model which means just like me means before you need to pay for services you use with Azure and one of the most important sales points that 80 percent of Fortune 500
  use Azure services which means most of the world's largest companies actually recommend using Azure then as it should be variety c-sharp editing languages   and J's Java and much more the key selling point of the EUR is number of data centers has it all over the world now is important to the cloud service provider having multiple data centers around world because it means they can the provision of their services is extensive audience now as your 42 is more than any cloud service provider you have currently expects to have 12 more in the period of time that brings a total of 254 districts now let’s talk about Azure services now as your services have 18 categories too more than 200 services and therefore obviously it cannot go beyond all that it has services including computer and machine tools for managing learning integration DevOps web identity and much more you will have a hard time trying finding an azure background cover and if it does not cover now you can be sure that they work with it as we speak. Thanks for read my blog.

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